Matching people to the right opportunities
WhoPlusYou’s platform supports economic and social prosperity by connecting individuals, businesses, and communities with the right opportunities and knowledge.
Our productivity tools deliver intelligent matching between employers and the talent they are looking for; support employment service providers with tools to assist their clients and streamline their workflows and measure outcomes; and provide capability to provide the right content and learning resources to the people and organizations within a community and across the network.
WhoPlusYou’s technology powers the Magnet™ Network. Our exclusive partner in Canada is Magnet, part of Toronto Metropolitan University.
Creating a unified digital solution
WhoPlusYou works with technology partners to bring together digital services from across platforms. We create digital infrastructure implementations that will unite employment and training systems across Canada.
Our secure authorization allows us to seamlessly integrate third-party services and tools into the job search and employment counselling processes. Users can take advantage of integrated job boards, assessments and learning management tools.
Bridging gaps between communities
WhoPlusYou provides communities with a common framework. Users can select which communities they want to be a part of, and can receive information and resources from all communities to a single inbox. Job seekers and employers can take advantage of receiving what multiple communities have to offer!
By working together, stakeholders in communities, including individuals, organizations, employment services providers, educators, and government, create a collective impact that drives more benefits in shorter time frames.
Getting accurate information
We gather highly valuable labour market information as individuals and employers use our system. Community members can inform their decision-making based on real-time market information for both supply and demand.
Our Export and Business Growth Portals offer current resources and information about market trends, subsidy opportunities, and regulatory guidance.
Putting diversity at the forefront
Job seekers can self-declare as a member of a diversity group, which includes visible minorities, newcomers, LGBTQ+, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and women, to receive opportunities from employers who are seeking to broaden their reach to these diversity groups, all while maintaining control of when and how their status is shared.
Organizations can be confident that they can create a pool of qualified candidates whose diverse life experiences and skills will bring new perspectives and talents to their team.